Sometimes You Gotta Do the Thing

I'm starting a blog. 

There are a million reasons not to, but YOLO, babies! 

Writing is fun.

I've missed it.

And the joy from creating something is kind of like the happiness I feel when the hot and now sign lights up at Krispy Kreme.

So welcome to Whimsytown, y'all!

Come skip down the small, Southern town streets of color.. among the fields of fragmented sentences, random fluff, #momminainteasy boy-mom cries for help, and hopefully something new that can put a smile on ya face. (Kind of like this tank top I have abandoned this blog draft for twice now because I can't decide between white or grey.)

Product cred:

(Also, I'm a size small if someone woke up feeling prompted to bless someone today.)

I just googled "Best time to post a blog" and several sources noted Mondays between 9-10am. goes nothin', internets.

We comin' in hot (and now) from Whimsytown!




  • Go for it, Erin! I love that you are REAL!

    Susan Jones
  • I’m your biggest fan!So excited you’re writing again!

    Mimi Kim
  • So Very excited to see you writing again! What a gift you have among MANY, MANY others… Now that children and life has become so busy it is a way for us to have a glimpse into everyday world at the Jr. Home….

    Your mother in law
  • So happy to see this post this am! Do your thang girl! You are awesome!


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