Things I Love Thursday: Back to School! Well...Sort of.


Back to School is happening.

And I'm not sure about y'all, but I kinda feel like Sean Penn in this photo:

School is the police escort saying, "Come this way."

And Susan Sarandon doesn't really exist in my Back to School nightmare, but the closest thing to something positive would be shopping for fun school supplies.

Things I Love Thursday: Back to School Supplies
Click the PINK LINKS below to purchase.

1. The PB&J Purse
Backpacks are about an every two year purchase in our house because THANK YOU, technology, not errbody carrying a 50lb turtle shell on their backs anymore.

Lunchboxes though?

No ma'am.

New every year. And sometimes halfway through the year. And other times when a child barfs on your kids' lunchbox. (That happened to Charlie.)

Why not start with a bang with this gem of a bag.

Cool man Weston will be toting the shark lunch bag to his second year of Pre K this year. He's got a late-ish birthday, so we decided it would be best to reward his future teachers with the Gift of Time and delay his start to kindergarten. He's repeating PreK under the guise as a "Helper."

Pretty much nothing else says, "Hey. Congrats on being accepted into the PreK TA program!" like a new lunch bag.

Other styles offered....(more options online)

2. For the Refined Palate
For the serious student who has serious parents who send foods like snap peas with no ranch dip.

3. A Briefcase for Food
This isn't a lunchbox.

It's food luggage.

4. Adidas Does Everything Right
Adidas always wins.

Check the links for all the colors.

I'd pick the red one.

5. Keeper of the Pencils
I could be wrong, but this case looks like it could be made of Neoprene.

And if Neoprene is good enough for a bullet proof vest, then I guess I can trust it with my pencils.

6. Not Sure if They Do Anything, But Here We Go...
Once school is in session again, our cherubs are no longer our sweet summertime compadres.

They quickly transition into Messengers of Illness.

These might be voodoo, but I'm willing to throw some gummies to the masses in an effort to avoid staying homebound for two weeks while The Crud works its way through all of us.

7. Nerd Alert
Pretty much a great item to have year-round, but Back to School time might make you look like less of a dork.

8. If Your School Doesn't Have Uniforms...
We do uniforms, thank the Lord.

But if you don't...

Amazon has a ton of their clothing brand items that are pretty great in both affordability and style. Just search Back to School in the Amazon search bar and clothing will come up as an option.

Who doesn't love a good baseball shirt?

9. When the Starbucks Baristas Know You By Name, Carry This
This would pair well with lunch bag item #2 on the list.

10. Water Bottle That's On Sale Right NEEEEOW
Some of our kids eat lunch so late in the day that the plastic water bottles won't cut it.

But I can't justify selling any of the children to buy them some Yeti's.

Hence, Rtic.

Love their products. And they're all on sale.

Get the Sports Lid
It's easier.

11. A Bag that Pops
Another backpack.

Be friends with the person who carries this.

I don't know many bullies/serial killers who have a thing for balloon animals.

There might be a few glue eaters and marker sniffers toting this pack around campus, but those guys are where the fun is.

12. Meal Prep Made Easy
These are a game changer if you want to pack lunches a couple of days in advance.

I pack two days worth of food on Sundays and Tuesdays. Everyone buys on Fridays.

Because rectangle pizza will change your life.

13. Nothing Special. I Just Like Yellow.
Pretty much.

Every other conceivable color also offered.

14. Prepare for the Worst
The L word is the Voldemort of childhood issues.

We've covered this before.

So, I'll just leave this right here.

No one needs to be empty handed when L word drops.

Almost as horrible as L word is the 6am wake up call we'll be getting used to again after sleeping in all summer like total bums.

I'm 100% sure no one's school supply list includes these, but gosh, we need something to get excited about.

And if clicking this pen into it's assortment of colors doesn't do it for you, then you probably aren't the type who needs a Neoprene pencil case either.

Alright. Hands in the middle. On Three.



But maybe this post helps you get a tish excited about the gear.

What is your favorite Back to School must have? 

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