Things I Love Thursday: Birthday Celebrations

Holy crud. 
Yesterday was a cluster, y'all. 
Forgot a kid at school, threw my whole schedule off, and well....

It's FriYAY.
So who cares?

Today's theme is quite apropos. 
Charlie turns 8 at 9:20pm.
My widdle biddy bwown headed baby wuvvvv.

He so graciously reminded me the other day that he has never had a birthday party. Maybe he was roped into a birthday party with his brothers who have their birthdays in August and September, but that's it.

And it's not that I'm a party hater.
It's that errbody plays sports up in here, and sports trump the parties.

But we do still like to celebrate!

Things that are Fun this Friday: Birthday Celebrations!
Click the PINK LINKS to purchase.

A few days before the birthday, throw this thing up and errbody gets hype. 
Because cake is coming. 
There's just something about looking like a fool on your birthday. 
It doesn't matter.
Because you're Shawty. And it's your birthday.
It may not say Happy Birthday, but it surely says something is different about today, and I shouldn't act out or my gifts really will be donated to charity like she threatened.
These are a little too lovely and time consuming for our party needs, but they're pretty much a staple party decor. 
And they're reusable.
Which I didn't know. 
I feel like this is a sign Dwight Shrute would have opted for if Angela had let him join the party committee.
These are always fun as a photo op! 
And also a reminder to schedule their annual check up because you have no idea how tall they are. 
Much like Happy Birthday-less rainbow bunting up above, this board is generic.
But it does give the artsy parent who might not be able to help with the Algebra homework a chance to show off their drawing skills.
And if you're getting either of the last two items, might as well go all in with some good chalk pens. 
Let the birthday boy or girl have their cake and eat it, too. 
Off of this birthday plate.
Because on your birthday, even your dinnerware is SPECIAAAAAL.
My kids would probably just draw poop emojis on this, but somewhere out there are kids who enjoy coloring. 
These are placemats, but they also have table cloths and table runners. 
I could see my nieces getting into this...
For those with wee ones, a birthday book is always a hit. 
Similar to reading Twas the Night Before Preschool on the night before preschool, you'll exit their bedrooms after goodnight kisses and high five yourself for having your life together. 
This is a fill in the blank book, and it's super cute. Great gift idea for a 4-8 year old.
Calling all teachers!!!
Probably a little dumb to spend $12 on candles. 
These look long enough to last a couple of years worth of cakes for your crew.
Unless you're the Duggars.
Or Octomom.
If you have a friend who uses the phrase "birthday month", this is for her.
There aren't many things that I would choose over a rainbow option, but this could be one of them. 
A few traditions:

-Birthday Cereal. I'll be the first to shamefully admit that my kids' diets aren't the absolute most amazing. You won't find Fruity Pebbles in our pantry on the regular, but on a birthday, you will.
The kids get to pick a garbage cereal on their birthday, and they love it. 
And I don't have to fix some sort of mom-guilt induced amazing birthday breakfast buffet.
-Pick your Dinner. It's as lame as it sounds, but they like it. Sometimes it's Sake House (Charlie's choice tonight). Other times it's meatball sliders and grits (Jack's choice at age 5)
-Cake. Just realized all of our traditions are food themed. Hmmm..But you gotta get a cake or you're not actually worth celebrating. 😬

Any other low key birthday celebration fans out there? How do you celebrate with your people?
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