Things I Love Thursday: Current Faves

**If you're reading this from your phone, something is wonky fonky with the script in some portions. Turn your phone in landscape mode to view it a little more easily. Working on a better solution. #mybad**
Some TILT themes come easily. Others notsomuch.

I thought long and hard on it yesterday, and realized I was just overthinking the crud out of this whole theme thing.

Why not just share stuff I actually love?

So I searched my Amazon cart and just did some quick peeking around my house and easily came up with...

Things I Love Thursday: Things I Love

If you see something you love, too, click the PINK LINK above that item for a link to purchase. 

🎼 It's Just...Some Violet Crush 🎼

Before hair stylists and purists all over the globe write to me about this one, let me just say that I'm certain this is a hair-ruining, brain-melting carcinogen or something terrible.

But after seven days of winging it with dry shampoo and windows-down sweat drying techniques, this shampoo and conditioner (not pictured) combo leaves my hair feeling shiny and new.

Cheetah Cheetah Pumpkin Eatah

Animal print is in, and I'm not mad at it.

JCrew Factory for the win on this button down. Thin fabric. Tailored fit.

It won't be cold here until possibly Christmas, so this will likely be paired with some white shorts before anything else. After Christmas, maybe with some jeans. Or a bright pink skirt if I'm feeling zany. Or spicy. Spicy is just zany with a few moments of bad attitude.

It Finally Arrived and I Need to Express My Love in an Appropriate Manner

Yep. This adult swaddle blanket is getting another five minutes of fame.
This is not a mistake.
I am in love with this blanket. 
I think I proposed to it last week in a moment of weakness.

This blanket is thin, yet warm. Toasty, but still cool to touch. Weighty, but not heavy.
Perfect, yet more perfect.

This might sound like a riddle, but it's not.

Let me put it this way. If Goldilocks does some breaking and entering up in my home looking for blankets, this will be her third and final choice.

This is the next thing you need to sursy yourself with. This is the next gift you need to get for the person you're not sure likes you. This is early mornings with your cup of coffee. This is riding to school drop off with it draped over your head like Mother Mary because you're just not ready to be normal yet.

You need this. A large one.

Thank you, @shopgoosebumps (follow on IG)

Bare With Me

Alright. This might be weird to write about, but here's the deal. Razor burn is real life, and not one lady I know of wants to walk around the beach or pool deck looking like her lady areas got attacked by a plague of chiggers. (If ya ain't southern, look it up. Chiggers. Look up chiggers. Not lady areas. Good grief.)

A quick, curious Amazon search brought this little tool to light a few months ago, and I'll save you from reading about how it works, and just tell you that it does.

Click the pink link 👆 to read up on it.

You'll Read it in a Day

I made the mistake of starting this book at 10:30pm while on vacation. Needless to say, throwing my own nerd party until 3am was well worth it.

Somber, but such an incredible story based on true events.

If any local friends want to borrow, let me know.

For the Creative Minimalist

Remember these things? I think I got one as part of the BookIt program in elementary school along with a frisbee and some coupons to Pizza Hut. That was during my adolescent "thick" years, so I probably crushed on those pizza coupons first, but the pens were a close second.

These things are never high quality, but they're just fun.
It's like a pen and indecisiveness in one. 
Oh, and you can buy them in a pack of 18, and sursy them to the masses.

Earrings That I Longed for Once in a Lullaby

I feel like these probably have been posted before, but I'm too lazy to look.
These are a Bauble Bar knock off on Amazon, and they're quite perfect.
Like a little, sparkly hug for your ear.
Treat your earholes, already!!

Raising Babies

Still in the middle of this one, but it's full of a lot of great points to consider.

Just trying to find that balance between teaching my boys to stand up for what they believe is right and against what is wrong without needing an adult swaddle blanket
in order to function.

Pencil Me In

On the first of the month, just after paying the bills, I get my unicorn lunchbox of 
colorful pens and decide to face the chaos that lies ahead for the next 28-31 days.

And then I cry.
And then I usually see if the kids ate all the hidden Oreos.

But now I'm thinking next month I can just wipe my tears on my adult swaddle

But...this calendar does help us keep our crap together. So far I've only forgotten 
one parent meeting in September, so that's a huge win.

I use this as the family calendar, and it's hung on a wall for all to see. Games, 
practices, days they're (I'm) buying lunch, pajama day at school, etc.

Mom's annual physical? Not on there because EWWWWWW.

Ignore the Pic. Because It Looks Dumb. Trust Me. It's a Great Skirt.

It's too hot and sweaty to attempt cuteness these days, but this skirt kind of kills two birds with one stone. Cute. And you can air your stuff out.

It was laying on the front table at our local Off Saks a couple of weeks ago when I 
was torn between shopping and contemplating if my body would fit in our freezer.

I tried it on and was pleasantly surprised! Not typically a skirt girl, 
but I'm into this one.

Just please try to picture it without those shoes and the awkward stance as shown 
below. Life is short. Add some pizzaz.

(*Realizes that pizzaz is just Pizza with a Z, and believes that was not a mistake.)

Blondie Tank Has More Fun

I got this tank the same day as animal print skirt and wore them together with some flip flops.

A black or white tank and some fashion sneakers would work as well.

Midi skirts + graphic Tees = global warming/hormonal sabotage-friendly fashion option.

Bedhead Be Gone

IG influencer, @livingwithlandyn (follow her!), suggested these a while back, but I was too busy trying to hear where she got her more fun and interesting things.
So I ignored these supposed bedhead-healing pillowcases.

Then I chopped 10" of my hair off, and bedhead was now a stupid idiot in my life.

Landyn was right. Fewer bedhead creases.
And I think she said it's good for your skin, too.

You've Got the Moves Like Jogger

Went to Dick's to look for a birthday gift for Finn, and saw that they have their own 
brand of clothing now: DSG! Maybe they have for years? I don't know. But it was a
Eureka! moment for me, and finding these joggers was a highlight of my day.

They're thin and don't fit much like capris as shown in this photo.

Also, on sale for $24 right now.

Jolap Hydroflask

In case you didn't know, Hydroflasks are like the most popular, like amazing water 
bottles in the entire universe like everrrrrrr among the youths of today.

And I'm sure they're great!


And I can't spend that kind of money on something my kids would promptly use to make "potions" with in the garage.

So I buy an off-brand jolap and realize that Hydroflask isn't the only company out 
there making bottles that hold water, and keep it cold.

 (Insert mom brain reality: As I'm typing about the potion making, I'm picturing my 
sweet Charlie and Weston (ages 7 and 5) mixing dirt and water and sand in the
garage as they do, yet also worrying if this potion making is training for the meth lab they'll be running out of my garage unbeknownst to me one day. Seriously. Why are mom brains so whack? Is it hormones? Too many Breaking Bad episodes? Anyhoo...just sharing so that you know you're not alone.)

These bottles come in an assortment of colors, but as I typically do, I just scroll all
the way down to the blue.

Eye Screen Saver

Busted. Cash register impulse purchase right here. But they were somewhat cute, 
and they more than somewhat fulfilled my childhood dream of wanting glasses.

Still waiting on the braces and broken arm I never got.

Southern Stickers

If you know my Dad, then you know this sticker was made for him.

And Roy Williams.

Check out the pink link for the other awesome Southern phrase stickers they have.

I'm gonna guess a few of them will bring a particular person to mind. Slap that sticker on an off brand Hydroflask, and give it to them, already!

That's a wrap!

What are you loving these days??

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