Things I Love Thursday: Scrubs, Slides, n' Schtuff

 Happy Thursday, friends. 

Let's jump into it because once again I forgot what day of the week it was. 

Here are some things I'm loving today. 

If you think you'll love them, too, click the PINK LINKS below to hunt them down. 





Sweetie Girl Scrubs

They say, "Save the best for last." 

But I'm going rogue and starting with my fave of the week. 

See that sweet face below? That's Akia. And she's every bit as precious and ambitious as this picture would lead you to believe. Her Mama and I cheered together ('s already been brought'n!), and due to some recent visits with their amazing family of three daughters, we have become reunited besties and arranged a few marriages. Carry on, folks. 2020 has been a crap storm, but we have 2030 figured out. (Terence, I hope you're okay with this plan.)


Akia started her business, Sweetie Girls Slimes & Scrubs, when she was TWELVE. 


This past weekend Akia was so sweet to gift an "orange popsicle" sugar body scrub and some soaps to me. 


Y'all. 2020 hasn't been completely redeemed yet, but the way your skin feels after a good Sweetie Girl sugar scrub rub down is a really good place to start the process of undoing the things of 2020. Or just a bad day. Or even a great day. 


Check out Sweetie Girl at the Pink Link above👆and get AT LEAST a body scrub. Or 5. No question.

She will ship! I asked. 




Blue Lens Glasses for Kids


Breaking my own rule here. 

I cannot honestly say I love these because I don't own them. 

But I saw them online during an insomnia search sesh and thought y'all might like to invest. 

You know...those of us who are cyber learning this year. 


virtual learning or virtual hell

Terms can be used interchangeably.

The lingering effects of this mess don't need to include jacked up eyeballs and headaches. Get the blue lens glasses, and at least help your kid look smart.



The Slides of a Lifetime

These keep popping up in my feed. And I know I would love them.



These are cool slides, too

 And these, too. 


The ones I have

I know I would love those 👆, because I have loved these👇 for so, so long. 


These are the Abraham of a generation of Adidas Adilette slides, and they have carried me through many, many memories. Countless carpools. Socks n' Flops. Travel tournaments. Even through the ER doors a couple of weeks ago after Jack broke his arm. I looked down at my sandy feet and felt oddly comforted. 

For the extra folk, check out the new colors. 


If you're a purist like myself, look no further than the original. 



Lip Serum


While on vacation, I went a little heavy on the UV rays and a little light on the lip balm. 


Just happened upon this product at Target the other day, and I'm a fan. 


Not greasy. Doesn't taste weird. Hydrates ya lips. 




Hot Honey

Ever go to Target, forget what you came for, and just buy random crap? 


Sometimes that ends up being a graphic tee that I never wear because I didn't realize it was a crop top. 

Other times it's Mike's Hot Honey that I put on a cajun filet Bojangles biscuit and end up eating half of it before I realize that my eyes are still closed. 



The Best Amazon Music Station Ever

I know God doesn't make mistakes and all, but maybe I messed something up when He assigned me to the 70's where I belong and I overshot, landing myself in the 80s.


Typical Erin move. 

  This Amazon Music station is the background to my childhood. It's Sunday afternoon car rides, singing harmony with my family while also getting carsick. It's an evening a few weeks ago while on vacation, sitting on the porch with my parents and my broski--just listenin' to the good stuff. 

Since its introduction into my life yesterday, I've been playing this station nonstop. Yes, you'll skip through some meh beats, but so far this morning I have:


-Felt like a natural woman with Carole King (yes. She sang it, too.)

-Caravanned with Van Morrison

-This is for all the Lonely People'd with America


And I'm mad at none of it. 



Amazon Music 70's Folk Station. (the L is silent 😉)

If it's not for you, you'll know quickly, and can switch back to your garbage playlist. 

Also, this is a test to see if Mama is reading this blog. Your lil' Sister Golden Hair was listenin' all those years ago, and FINE. YOU WERE RIGHT. IT'S THE GOOD STUFFFFFF. 



That's all folks.

Enjoy the day.

Friday's comin'.








  • LOVE the music channel! First song up… wild World- Cat Stevens!! ❤️❤️❤️
    Always love to read what you write!

    Emily Cook
  • Yaasss to those 70’s tunes!Mama knows!


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