Things I Love Thursdays: Travel Accessories

Happy Valentine's Day, y'all! Hope your day is filled with love and what this holiday is actually about which is Dove chocolates, heart shaped Reese's and throwing those nasty conversation hearts in the garbage. 
Today's TILT has zero to do with Valentine's Day, but everything to do with LOVE.
The Love of Travel that is. 
We just returned from vacation and travel accessories were on the brain, hence today's theme.
Like anything else, there are products that can make travel easier. And prettier. 
As always, links are provided. Just click on the name, and Boom. 
First Up on the Funway Runway...
Usually I'm just happy to see that my bag made it to my destination, but with these rainbow luggage belts, I think I'd feel a sense of pride.
Maybe a slight raise of my hand to let the others on luggage standby know that, 'Yeah, guys...she's all mine.'
Watch the video in the link for this one. It's like an accordion of neatly stacked clothes that you just close and fold to pack up.
And then pop it open and just hang it up. 
This is genius if it really works the way they depict it in the video. 
4.5/5 starts usually means life changing power, so go for this one. 
I'm an organization lover, but there's something that creeps me out about someone who travels with this many electronics. 
Like, do they really have that many devices or are they going to hack into hotel surveillance somehow letting the world know the sad state of affairs that is my pajama selection?
If you had an old softball tee shirt of your dad's you'd wear it to, so judge all you want, Judgy McJudgerton.
Useful. Practical. Comes in eleventeen colors. Much better than the home wallet you carry that has all the fundraiser discount cards in it that won't work outside of your zip code let alone Mexico.
A 2 pack of travel strapless bras.
Just a face bra. Or an eye mask as the common folk call it. 
Laugh all the way to the cool kids club, but I was reacquainted with the underrated fanny pack on my trip last week. My girl, Ashleigh, gifted us all with one, perhaps as a joke, but perhaps as my new found obsession. 
Unless I was in the pool, I was wearing my new buddy. Lip gloss, room key, cash, phone. It's all you need at a resort or an airport. 
Hands free and some flair for the hip. 
The 80s might be laughing at US now.
Leggings are the perfect pant option for flight travel. Not too hot or cold. You can dress them up if you want to pretend that you didn't sleep through your early morning wake up alarm or go athleisure casual.
Pack up all the goodies that make you look amazing, keep them in this thing the entire trip, and zip it up to come home. 
Goodbye, wad of tangled necklaces.
For the angry traveler who has nicer stuff than everyone else..
Not as cool or as convenient or hipster as a fanny pack but fine for old ladies and people who don't like embracing old trends again. 
I use a Ziplock every time. And every time it breaks. And I freak out that I'll have to leave my $4 worth of liquid travel toiletries behind. 
These bags are in my cart because I needed one more Ziplock for school lunches tomorrow and realized I would have been good to go had I not Ziplocked my toiletries last week. Like a fool. 
If you get one thing to ease your travel, get these. 
These things don't even makes geometrical sense how they work, but basically you neatly fold seven times the amount of clothes you will actually wear into these bags. The clothes sink magically into a clothes portal, and then you easily zip it up in some sort of sorcery voodoo. 

The same clothes folded the same way without the bags will not work. Trust me. 
Also purchasing because not only am I a Ziplocker, I'm a free paper tag at the American Airlines check in kind of girl. 
Act like you've been here before, Erin!
The only thing that will ensure that the stranger next to you doesn't want to know your life story is this. 
Or a flu mask. 
Nope. Better yet. A Hockey Mask.
I suffer from tiny ear hole disease and hate ear buds, so I'm a Beats girl. These were so comfy and so awesome that the first time I wore them I was super confused for a couple of hours thinking I had misread the whole nursing career and was actually supposed to be a deejay.
Life ain't over though, is it? 
Maybe I'll just moonlight. And embarrass my kids. 
Happy Valentine's Day, y'all! 

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